
I'm Molly Gochman.

Welcome to my art practice.

I'm glad you're here.



I believe we live in a world where thoughtful participation – with our environment, with our objects, with our community, with ourselves and with our fellow human beings – is the greatest good we can do. This involvement, on every level, creates a world where empathy and freedom are our primary values.

Artist Statement

I believe all art is time-based. Works of art document moments in time. They represent time spent by the artist in thought and action, and they’re experienced by an audience in time. Time and change are inexorably connected, and transformation over time is of great interest to me.

The world has never before been more aware than it is today. Right now. With this moment and every one following, we gain more and more knowledge about the environment, people, and cultures that surround us.

My work is an opportunity to take this moment, and make the most of it. We overlook so much in the world, and I want to encourage people to stop, soften and really feel the meaning that exists in objects and communities that surround us. The marks of time are apparent everywhere. Like how a deteriorating photograph communicates its history, the way a chair with no legs speaks of what is missing and what remains.

We also have the opportunity to look ahead to what isn’t, but what can be with time – to create cultural change through global empathy. Never before has there been such an opportunity to rally a global collective and bring together the unprecedented level of commitment, activism, and disparate voices calling for a more just, caring world.

Today, we have more opportunities to participate than ever before, and thus to create greater impact than at any previous time in our history. Global awareness of issues, of injustices, of fairness, have begun to unite the power of individuals’ voices into a more forceful mass, gaining the attention and power of organizations, governments, and the private sector to help create change.

And with every new project, I never forget this: every free individual is also a singular vehicle for change. I’m continually inspired by others and hope my work can in turn inspire others to believe in their own voice and abilities so they too can make a difference.

My work is an invitation for you to reflect on and participate in the experience of humanity. As all art raises the consciousness of our society and helps to catalyze action, it’s my mission to encourage, provoke and ultimately inspire others to unique thought and action.

I hope that the person who experiences my work feels welcomed to go from the work into his or her own contemplation of what the work inspires in them or just offers them an opportunity to pause and be in that moment. In a sense, the works are only half-done when I complete my work on them. They are invitations to experience, and it’s up to each person who comes into contact with them to decide how – or if – to accept that invitation.

Selected Accolades and Residencies

Wassaic Project Board of Directors Member

Dia Women Art Council Member

Brooklyn Museum Council for Feminist Art Member

New Museum Artemis Council Member

No Longer Empty Future Perfect Ball Honoree

Guilford College Young Alumni Achievement Award

DiverseWorks Artist of the Year

Vermont Studio Center Individual Artist Residency

Elsewhere Artist Collaborative Artist Residency

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